Short Story in English with Moral for Class 1
1. Friendship
Short Story in English with Moral for Class 1: Three friends a turtle, a crow, and a mouse lived long ago in a jungle. They were really close friends who constantly supported one another. A deer once approached them as they were having a conversation by the lake. When the turtle first encountered a deer in the jungle, he said, “You are a new being.” You’re someone I’ve never seen before in this jungle. I’m fresh to this jungle, Deer claimed. I had no buddies in the previous jungle where I resided. I made an effort to make friends with other creatures, but nobody wanted to be my friend, so I eventually left the forest and came here.
You are now alone and in need of a companion because they requested one. Deer answered, “Yes.” We were just three friends before the deer joined them, but now we are four friends, the crow and the rat smile at one another. The following day, the four of them split off to seek food, but by evening, they would usually reunite at the same location. Over the next few days, nothing changed. The other three buddies began to worry when the deer one day failed to show up in the evening.
Why haven’t the deer yet returned when the sun has almost set? Yes, he ought to have returned by this point; we need to go seek him. Yes, let’s head out and look for him. Not you two replied Crow. I have the ability to fly, so I may see farther and get close to him more rapidly. After the mob started its hunt for the deer, they eventually heard a voice. He saw his pal in a hopeless situation as he looked down at the ground and noticed the deer that was caught in a net. He went straight down to him.
“Dear friend, you just helped me get out of here,” the deer remarked. Crow flew back to the turtle and rat who were waiting for him after saying, “Don’t worry, let me think of something quickly.” The crow explained everything to them. The crow requested to rat. My friend, come with me and cut the trap with your keen teeth before the hunter comes back. At the location closest to the net, the crow and the rat arrived. The deer was promptly released after the rat rapidly cut the net. Are you OK, my friend? The turtle inquired. Deer answered, “Yes, I’m good.” “You all saved me.”
The hunter unexpectedly went back to the spot and saw that the deer had run away. The hunter was spotted by the rats, who all began to escape as the hunter got closer. The crow took off in the air, the rat rushed to the closest hole, and the deer dashed into the underbrush. However, the turtle was unable to flee or hide. The turtle was captured by the hunter, who then carried him off in a sack. The deer, the rat, and the crow eventually converged in one location. They were devastated at the turtle’s capture. Deer claimed that a turtle was seized in order to save my life.
I know a method to keep the turtle safe. We are three, and the hunter is by himself. Even though the hunter hasn’t arrived yet, the crow told them about the river’s history and requirements. That’s a great idea, so let’s leave right away. The trick of the crows is that when they get to the lakeside, the crow pretends to fly away, and the deer appears to be dead. The rat was prepared and watching the bushes for an ideal opportunity. The deer was lying dead on the road when the hunter arrived at the scene. Wow, my deer! He cried out. As soon as the deer started to walk away from the sack, the hunter became overly eager and went ahead to capture it.
The mouse approached the sack and began cutting it. The crow took off as the hunter approached the deer, and the deer stood up and escaped for safety. The turtle had already been released from the bag by this point, which the hunters were unable to understand. They moved swiftly in the direction of the bushes. The turtle, deer, rat, and crow were all reunited in delight, but when the hunter returned to pick up the sack, he was saddened to find that it was empty and the turtle had gotten away.
Moral of the Story:
Unity is Strength
Final words:
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